AYA is a market place that enables youth-led agricultural enterprises to be able to access information on agribusiness. Rural and urban youth have the potential to contribute to food security, economic development, social inclusion, and stability. One of the main challenges faced by youth in the labour market is definitely their inadequate access to financial services. The availability of such services, especially for the youth, can be constrained by a range of factors, such as physical accessibility, affordability, eligibility and legislative frameworks. AYA offers a safe space for youth entrepreneurs to meet and interact with stakeholders within the market place. It offers an opportunity for enterprises to be strengthened through.
- Capacity build
ing: AYA offers a variety of trainings on how to run profitable agrienterprises. our module entails; Business planning, Contract farming, market research,business pitching, technology etc.
- Strategic financial linkages: AYA does this through publisizing calls of various financial service providers/donors/venture capitalist who are willing to invest in agricultural youth enterprises and publish Web based links that provide requirements and contact information of financial products that youth can tap.
- Knowledge: AYA provides space where various technologies are posted where youth enterprises can learn. It also provides a platform where youth can interact using whatsApp to share and learn from each other.